HI7134 Pool Line Checker HC is designed for the measurement of low levels of phosphate in swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas. The HI7134 can measure phosphate from 0.00 to 2.50 ppm (as PO43-). Phosphate can be introduced into a swimming pool by either the water that is being added or the breakdown of organic materials such as leaves and grass clippings. Phosphate is commonly added to municipal drinking water to minimize the corrosion of pipes in the distribution system. At high levels phosphate is a nutrient that encourages algae growth. From pool companies, it is recommend to keep phosphate less than 1000 ppb (1.0 ppm) to prevent algae from growing. The water can be treated with chemicals to remove phosphate and the HI7134 Pool Line Checker can be used to monitor and track changes to the phosphate level.
The contoured style of this Checker HC fits in the palm of your and the large LCD is easy to read. The auto shut-off feature assures the battery life will not be drained if you forget to turn it off.
To perform a measurement the instrument a water sample is placed into a cuvette and the meter is zeroed. Next, a reagent is added that will react with phosphate to produce a blue color. Last, place the vial into the Checker HC, press the button and read the results. It’s that easy.