PEI Sensor Body
The PEI (polyetherimide) electrode body is suitable for a wide range of applications and excels in field measurements due to its durability. The shielding around the spherical glass tip minimizes breakage due to accidental bumping or dropping of the electrode. The PEI plastic is a high-quality plastic that is chemically resistant to many harsh chemicals.
Ceramic Double Junction Reference
A double junction electrode has an internal compartment surrounding the reference wire. Silver ions are present in the electrolyte of the internal compartment, which houses the Ag/AgCl reference wire; the electrolyte outside this compartment is silver free. The double junction design means that virtually no silver from the electrode enters the sample. This design allows measurement in applications where silver ions in the sample are undesirable or silver precipitates on the junction are likely to form.
Color Coded Sensor
Sensors are color coded to match sensor ports on the probe for quick, field-replaceable, screw-type, connection and identification.